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Using Lemon In The House Cleaning
13Aug 2014
Using Lemon In The House CleaningWhen it comes down to it, the domestic cleaning is a place where you need all the help that you can get, whether you are just house cleaning, or deep cleaning, as it is going to be a chore either way! If you are the type that enjoys a handy hint that will make your cleaning faster and more efficient, then you have come to the right place. Many people like to get a cleaning company involved, but contract cleaners can be very expensive, so if you are looking for a way to help your cleaning that saves money on products, why not have a look in the fruit bowl? Lemons can be used for all sorts of edible treats, but you may not have realized that there is a reason for many cleaning products having a lemon scent. The humble lemon has many amazing cleaning properties that will cut through grease and kill germs, so you can use it for all sorts of things. Have a look over the following to see how you could be benefitting from the use of lemon in your own home!For a start, the simple things. A lemon, when cut in half and sprinkled with a little abrasive salt, becomes the perfect washing up tool. Just rub the open side of the lemon against the plates, and watch as the grease and dirt is washed away easily, leaving a fresh lemon scent. You will find that once the juice and pulp is all worn out, you can scoop the rind clean, and fill it with baking soda. When this combination is placed in the fridge, it forms an excellent odor eater, which will ensure that your fridge stays fresh and smell free at all times. Beware that you don’t let this great smell fool you though, you need to check that nothing has gone off regularly!Lemon will combine with vinegar and baking soda in a number of different ways to ensure that you can get the whole house cleaned easily and effectively. You will notice that the soap scum and grubby marks that accumulate in the bathroom can be difficult to get rid of, and you need a strong grease repellent to really get rid of it all. You will find that lemon is perfect for this, but for a little added power, try putting some baking soda in to the mix, to create a fizzy cream cleaner, that will combat even the worse of greasy marks. Try leaving a combination of lemon and vinegar on the taps as well, as the acid will eat through the limescale, leaving you free to simply rinse them off rather easily.Have a think about the places in the home that you would rather not use dangerous chemicals. These are places where your children might play, or your pets may lick for some reason. In these areas it is a good idea to use lemon as your primary surface cleaner, as it is much safer than bleach, and will still kill many of the germs that you may be worried about. It seems crazy, but much of the time the products used to get rid of germs are more harmful than the germs themselves, so be sure that you are not putting your family or animals in harms way with your cleaning! Rub down surfaces with lemon and water, for a fresh smelling, germ free result! See if any of these ideas work for you, and have a look online for more lemon recipes for your domestic cleaning.

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